Our Mission

Our Vision

A future where all children, families, and individuals are living in healthy homes and sustainable communities.

Our Mission

Create healthy, regenerative communities by justly enriching environments and respecting the value of people and place.

Why We Do It

Community members can lead change efforts for the betterment of their community. This theory of change assumes close ties to a network of grassroots organizations and stakeholders who understand the concerns, needs and culture of the community and who also have the ability to connect with community residents unaffiliated with community-based organizations. Understanding that organizing efforts begin and end with the vision of residents who live within the community is essential.

Our Values

  1. Advocacy

Acting as a steward for residents, EHW engages with concerned citizens and representatives to achieve real change on important environmental justice issues, working together with local, county, and state policymakers to address critical health concerns and develop policies to best serve children and families.

2. Collaboration

We believe that the enormity of our vision is impossible to accomplish alone and rely on our partners we work with to achieve results.

3. Community

We believe in building community by educating and inspiring people to be advocates and protect themselves and each other from environmental threats.

4. Expertise

We believe in advancing evidence-based solutions through all systems to ensure the replicability and expansion of our mission into all communities.

5. Integrity

We believe in being honest, transparent, professional, and non-discriminatory in our work.

6. Justice

We believe that promoting health equity and environmental justice permeates everything we do.

7. Leadership

We believe in being bold and dynamic as we actively pursue innovative solutions that change lives.

8. Sustainability

We believe in promoting regenerative environments and communities by supporting continuous enhancement of health, justice, and prosperity, while maintaining respect for the natural, social, cultural, and historic value of place.

Our Goals

The EHW Healthy Homes Model is adopted and recognized as the standard for home health inspections in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County

A convener and leader in engaging and inspiring people to advance sustainable solutions in their communities

A stable structure, sound business model, and recognized brand that support daily operations and secure the long-term financial health of the organization

To learn more view our Strategic Plan:

Support Us

Your generosity helps strengthen the longest-standing organization committed to environmental justice in Northeast Ohio.